

攻读学位可能很难, especially when more than a decade has passed since graduating from high school. But Christy Peterson ’03 not only found the motivation to apply to college, 她毕业时获得教育学学士学位, 辅修英语语言艺术和计算机研究. The proud 澳门水利博彩官方网站 alum eventually landed a lucrative career as an account executive, 目前在商业时报媒体工作. The job puts many of her 8 Abilities to use as she builds strong relationships with her clients, generates sales for the company’s publications and finds new and untapped opportunities.

A lot of young people are questioning whether they should even go to college. 是什么使你决定攻读学位的?

“I wanted to obtain a college degree to choose a career and earn a good salary – your typical reasons. 我的其他激励因素是个人的,更内在的. I wanted to build my self-esteem that was lagging and grow intellectually. I also had a strong desire to learn and study things that I knew nothing about. In hindsight, I had a thirst for knowledge that needed to be quenched.”


“I took the advice of high school friend who graduated from 澳门水利博彩官方网站’s nursing program. She spoke very highly of the college and recommended it to me as an adult learner —age 31 — wanting to pursue an undergraduate degree. 只为女性服务, 以能力为基础的课程, 班级规模更小,更容易与教授交谈, she said 澳门水利博彩官方网站 would provide a more nurturing and supportive environment than the public university system which caters to younger students, 班级规模更大, limited communication with professors and offered a standard curriculum. She assured me that I would be better served attending a smaller liberal arts college.”


“It’s important for anyone to get an education in something they desire to learn. 知识是成长和进步的关键. 对妇女来说,教育是获得权力的门槛. I think earning an education helps women develop a catalyst mindset — that they have the ability to transform their life.”

Who were you when you first arrived at 澳门水利博彩官方网站, and who are you now?

“到了阿尔弗诺, 我很害怕, insecure and not confident that I was even going to pass the entrance exam — that was nearly eight hours long! 在做完所有要求的事情——数学评估之后, 阅读评估, 论文样本, a speaking sample performed on camera — I was completely overwhelmed by the experience and feared that I wasn’t good enough to get accepted. My thoughts and inner dialogue sounded like this: ‘You aren’t college material. 你还不够聪明. 你逗谁呢??我回到家抽泣起来. 两周后,我收到了录取通知书. I cried again; this time tears of joy, and was humbled that they were going to give me a chance.

“今天, almost twenty-one years after graduation and with many life experiences under my belt, I am very grateful to 澳门水利博彩官方网站 College for my professional development. I am a strong-minded, independent, self-thinker and an exceptionally good communicator. After all the hoops they made me jump though to earn my undergraduate degree, the most important lesson I learned was to believe in myself and in my ability to succeed.”


“它改变了我对自己的看法. I realize that I am smart, capable, acutely insightful and intelligent. The eight abilities and criteria- based curriculum helped develop this awareness in me by building my skillsets. Self-assessments allowed me to see my strengths and weaknesses as they were — a work in progress. 即使在今天,我也在努力管理和改进它们. 在我的课程和实地工作中,我练习了反思, 善于分析并对自己的想法和行为负责. Collectively these experiences shaped me and prepared me for the workforce.”


“Building relationship with my clients and keeping them informed about advertising opportunities that help them attract customers and build trust in the marketplace is very satisfying. 我的工作节奏快,充满活力. 我有很多项目要管理. Although I work independently, I am part of a sales team and accountable for my productivity.”

Is there any advice you would give to a young person trying to decide whether college is worth it?

“I would advise them to think about their return on investment (ROI) and what they are trying to accomplish by going to college. There are many education options to consider when deciding on a career path. An undergraduate degree has value because it demonstrates that you accomplished something that took time to earn. It also makes you marketable and gives you an advantage over other candidates who don’t have that type of degree. However, is the cost and length of time you spend to earn it worth it? In today’s job market a degree isn’t necessarily a ‘must have’ for all careers. 也就是说,这真的是一个选择的问题. You are in charge of your education and must choose the path that best serves you.”


“A college degree is something that you earn and no one can ever take that away from you. It will be an experience you fulfilled in your lifetime; an accomplishment that is irrevocably yours. 这是强大的. 我很感激能在阿尔弗诺获得大学学位.”




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